Archive | March 2019

Dueling Mandates in Yellowstone

Bison Management-Brucellosis Disease


During winter large herds of bison,elk and other grazing animals migrate to lower elevation in search of forage.Yellowstone national park does not have any fences or barriers to keep the animals within boundaries so animals do not know about political boundaries.Therefore the animals migrate out of the park.So almost half the bison living in Yellowstone test positive for exposure to Brucellosis a disease that can cause susceptible domestic cattle to abort their first calf.Because Yellowstone bison migrate to Montana.The state of montana like other states has spent much time,effort and money to eradicate brucellosis in cattle.Elk also carry brucellosis.The human form of the disease undulant fever is no longer a public health threat.The problem is how do you manage Yellowstone bison.

One possible solution is to slaughter bison that leave the park boundaries and give the meat,hides and other products to those in need.The good things about this solution is that there is more food for the animals in Yellowstone.There is meat and products for those in need and lastly it would help stop Brucellosis.The bad things about this solution is that bison could become extinct the bison could harm you when you try to slaughter them and it won’t help the food chain.

Kenshi Yonezu

米津 玄師 (Yonezu Kenshi) was born on  March 10th,1991 in Japan.He was poor growing up and despite that fact he never gave up.He is a Japanese singer that sings the song “Peace Sign” the theme song for season 2 of “My Hero Academia”.He is also known by the name Hachi and he is known by other Japanese citizens.Hiroshi Nakajima would say they worked well in their band.He composes and writes all of his music.We both like music but Kenshi makes his songs in to albums.He also helped create Ballroom,an independent music label for internet musicians.That is some about Kenshi Yonezu.
